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From 3.5 years old


The independent swim programme involves small groups of children in the water without parents. Our programme is based on the highly successful Australian model of small classes, warm water, and teachers in the pool to ensure each child has personal attention. The maximum students per teacher is between 3 and 7 students, depending on level. 


We teach each child a specific set of skills in a sequential manner to successfully progress them to the next level, when they are ready. We start in Platypus with putting head in the water, and by Manta Ray, children are swimming butterfly. 


Note for parents:

All children learn in the same sequence but at different speeds. Children should only move to the next level when ready. It is not a competition. They may become disheartened if they move to the next level before they are ready. It is important that children enjoy lessons and look forward to coming each week. 

VERY IMPORTANT - Swim levels for independent swimmers are SKILLED based, not aged-based.

We put in a minimum age as currently we have rarely seen children younger than the minimum age be able to reach that level (but happy to be proven wrong). Please therefore choose a class based on skills, not on age. 



From 3,5 year old

Entry Criteria:


  • Minimum 3.5 years of age, beginner level.

  • The child is not comfortable putting head in water or does not do it when asked

  • The child accepts the separation from the parent, voluntarily gets in the water & is able to understand and follow simple instructions in French or English.

  • Maximum children per teacher: 3.

  • Class lasts 30 minutes.



From 3 years old & for children who have received this level from Red Whale only.

Entry Criteria:

  • For children who have done parent and child lessons with Red Whale.

  • Minimum 3 years old. 

  • Have been given this level by Red whale.

  • He/she can put their entire head in the water (ears in water) when asked for 3 seconds while in a horizontal position - bubbles not necessary.

  • Are comfortable with separation from the parents. 

  • Maximum children per teacher: 3.

  • Class lasts 30 minutes.

Sea Otter.png


From 4 year old 

Entry Criteria:


  • Minimum 4 years of age.

  • The child is very comfortable in the water but cannot swim. He/she can put their entire head in the water (ears in water) when asked for 3 seconds while in a horizontal position - bubbles not necessary.

  • Maximum children per teacher: 3.

  • Class lasts 30 minutes.



FROM 4 years old

Entry Criteria:


  • Minimum 4 years of age

  • The child is very comfortable in the water & can swim 5m (dog paddle or pizza arms) in a horizontal position without stopping or sinking. Taking a breath is optional.

  • Maximum children per teacher: 4.

  • Class lasts 30 minutes.



FROM 5 years old 

Entry Criteria:


  • Minimum 5 years of age.

  • The child is very comfortable in the water & can swim 10m with at least one breath.

  • He/she can do a Strong, continuous “torpedo kick” on the front for 7m without breathing.

  • He/she can kick on the back with board above knees and straight arms for 5m.

  • Maximum children per teacher: 5.

  • Class lasts 40 minutes.

Please note that this is the start of a more technical level and that your child may be at this level for several months or even a year.



FROM 6 years old 

Entry Criteria:


  • Minimum 6 years of age and able to do all the exercises in the lower levels

  • The child can swim four high, straight, front crawl beginner in a row without breathing. Must maintain strong kick.

  • Strong, continuous kick on the back over 5m with hands by the side. Must maintain good high body position, (no flotation devices)

  • Maximum children per teacher: 6

  • Class lasts 40 minutes. 


Please note that this is the start of a more technical level and that your child may be at this level for several months or even a year.



FROM 7 years old 

Entry Criteria:


  • Minimum 7 years of age.

  • The child can swim 10m beginner freestyle - breathing on one side every two strokes. Must start breathing with correct lateral breathing technique (ie rolling of head, not lifting of head). 

  • The child can swim 10m backstroke with straight back stroke arms.

  • The child can swim breaststroke correct kick, glide, breath for 3 cycles - using kick-board.

  • Maximum children per teacher: 6.

  • Class lasts 40 minutes. 

Please note that this is the start of a more technical level and that your child may be at this level for several months or even a year.

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